Tremendous & Inspirational

"A Journey to the Potter's House" is a tremendous and inspirational presentation of the way in which God our Father works in the lives of his children.  We incorporated Michael's presentation into our normal Sunday worship service.  Adults as well as children were captivated by Michael's relational style and incredible insight into Scripture.  My congregation was buzzing for weeks following our "Journey to the Potter's House".  I highly recommend "A Journey To The Potter's House".  You and your church family will be blessed.

Dr. William J. Gestal Jr., Pastor
Presbyterian Church of Old Greenwich
Greenwich, CT


Powerful & Unique

"A Journey to the Potter's House" is one of the most powerful and unique evangelistic presentations I've witnessed in many years.  A dynamic combination of artistic interpretation and articulate presentation of the Gospel that grabs your attention from the first sentence and holds it until the very end.  Mike is simply brilliant in how he crafts his message appropriate for both believers and unbelievers alike.

Joe Battaglia, President
Renaissance Communications
Wyckoff, NJ

Deep & Profound

Wow!  I just encountered "A Journey to the Potter's House" and was touched deeply and profoundly by God's Spirit through the presentation.  I saw in a new, Biblical and refreshing way how God deals with his people in general and how he deals with me in particular.  You need to take "A Journey to the Potter's House" and bring everyone you know!  They will "rise up and call you blessed."

Steve Brown, Author
President of Key Life (Syndicated Radio Program)
Professor at Reformed Theological Seminary
Orlando, FL

Absolutely Riveting

Recently, Victory Christian Church had the distinct pleasure of hosting "A Journey to the Potter's House".  As the Pastors, we were not exactly sure what to expect, but what we witnessed was certainly beyond anything we had imagined.  The "Journey" was an absolutely riveting experience, taking the viewer on a corporate, yet personal, voyage into the heart and mind the Lord God has for His people.

It was one of the best and most anointed ministry times that we have ever been a part of and would certainly describe it as absolutely "life-changing!"

Dr. Ferris skillfully mixed humor and lightheartedness in with the weightier, more searching moments - of which there were many.  Every single person in the church that evening was deeply touched, each person identifying themselves at some point in the processing of the clay.  This was evidenced by the laughter as well as the abundant tears.  We are certain that we do not speak strictly for ourselves, but also for others, when saying that reading Jeremiah 18 will never be the same again.

The revelation of God's heart and His processes were made clear to the believer and to the unbeliever alike, as Dr. Ferris did a masterful job at making the Gospel understandable and relevant.  The presence of the Lord was powerful, and the anointing was hot.  Dr. Ferris' rich love for people was evident throughout, and made the entire experience that much more engaging and deep - just amazing!  The evening concluded with several altar calls; some for healing and wholeness, for the releasing of past bitterness and unforgiveness, as well as to receive Christ and His offer of salvation!

We would most enthusiastically recommend "A Journey to the Potter's House" to every church, ministry and group everywhere - it will truly set people free!

Peter and Deborah Leal, Senior Pastors
Victory Christian Church
Middlefield, CT


Incredibly Blessed

On Sunday evening, the men of Market Street Mission were incredibly blessed through a special presentation at New Life Fellowship church, by Dr. Michael Ferris, entitled "A Journey to the Potter's House."  His message from Jeremiah 18, is so vividly and masterfully told that we were informed by many of the men from the mission that this was the most awesome church event many of them had ever seen.  I heartily agree and am sending this email today to our church families so that you, too, can take the journey with Dr. Ferris.

From his first spoken word, Dr. Ferris captures the attention of his audience to explain how God can transform us through the pressures and pain in our life, into someone who can glorify God.  He speaks from personal experience and communicates through the art of crafting pottery from clayI guarantee you will not be disappointed.

Susan Bosworth
Market Street Mission

Powerful Visual Message

The first time I saw "A Journey to the Potter's House" I knew that my congregation needed to experience it.  When it was presented at our church, the congregants were so inspired by the powerful visual message that touched them as no regular sermon could.  Mike's love and compassion for God's people is so evident.  I encourage all to take "A Journey to the Potter's House" and be blessed by this life changing event.  My congregation just could not stop talking about the presentation and they are already asking when Mike will return.  Thank you Mike, you have a wonderful, powerful ministry that is changing lives! 

Wanda J. Greaves, Senior Pastor
Versailles United Methodist Church
Versailles, CT

Unforgettable Impact

"A Journey to the Potter's House" was the best service I've ever attended!  Ever since Dr. Michael Ferris brought "A Journey to the Potter's House" to our Church, people have not stopped talking about the impact.  I've heard countless sermons on the Potter and the clay over the years in ministry, but Dr. Ferris made it come to life in a way that has forever changed the way I think about God's relationship to me and my relationship with God.  I can't wait to bring "A Journey to the Potter's House" back, but this time we need to rent a facility large enough for the standing-room-only crowd it generated.

Dr. Randy Paige, Pastor
Christ Church United Methodist
Long Island, NY


"A Journey to the Potter's House" is one of the most captivating portrayals of the gospel of Jesus Christ I have ever witnessed.  Step by step, from one revelation to another, in detail after amazing detail, Michael Ferris reveals to us the unfolding intentions of the Masater Potter as He forms and fashions the clay of human hearts into His very own image.  This passionate and life imparting message is "teeming" with hope, meaning and purpose that will challenge both saint and sinner alike.  "A Journey to the Potter's House" is the experience of a lifetime!  You will never be the same!

Stephen V. Skystimas, Pastor / Elder
Riverbank Christian Worship Center
Waterbury, CT

Incredible & Impactful

"A Journey to the Potter's House" in an incredible, impactful, and unforgettable message of God's grace that every human being should experience.  God speaks through Michael Ferris in such a clear, practical, and powerful way that all in attendance cannot keep from becoming captivated.  We had young and old, male and female alike, weeping in our service with Michael.  I promise you that should you bring "A Journey to the Potter's House" to your church or ministry, your people will leave that service having been transformed by the promise and presence of God Himself.

Garry Light, Assistant Pastor
Manchester Church of the Nazarene
Manchester, CT

Truly Profound

When I first heard about your presentation, I honestly had no idea what to expect.  The impact "A Journey to the Potter's House" had on me, my family, and my congregation was truly profound!  We were all overwhelmed at the response to the altar call for both salvation and healing.  I could never have imagined a presentation so profound that it would have brought a group of over 600 people to their knees, but that is exactly what I witnessed.  Praise be to God!

From our senior saints down to our young adults and our youth, everyone is raving about "A Journey to the Potter's House".  The way you used God's Word throughout the entire presentation was exceptionally powerful and spoke directly to the heart.  It was as if God Himself were speaking.  I believe everyone should see this!

Michael Kelly, Senior Pastor
Riverside Cares
Jersey City, NJ

Scripture Came to Life

Michael Ferris did an amazing job as he spoke to the students at West Woods Christian Academy leading them through "A Journey to the Potter's House."  Scripture came to life as Michael spoke about how God shapes and molds our lives into beautiful vessels if we allow Him to work in us.  Michael shared some of his testimony with us while "scarring" the clay as he explained that God can use the hurtful things in our lives for good.  Students responded when invited to have God use the hurtful things in thier own lives.  We were truly blessed.

Sharon Tuttle, Administrative Secretary
West Woods Christian Academy
Hamden, CT

Changed Lives

Words cannot adequately describe what you experience when you take "A Journey to the Potter's House".  You come face to face with the Master Potter, the One who loves us and gave Himself for us.  The lump of clay speaks of our life in our Father's hands; the One who created us to be a vessel fit for His service.  The hands raised in surrender during the service and the commitments made, speak to the lives that were changed as a result of our journey to the Potter's house.

Bill Washburn
Clarkstown Reformed Church

Grace, Purpose and Love

"A Journey to the Potter's House" is an incredible experience where one's life collides with the reality of God's grace, purpose, and unconditional love.  Michael Ferris provides an opportunity to visually grasp the process God takes each individual through in order to bring wholeness and a full life to His people.  Being loved, known, forgiven, and redeemed brings a sense of worth and belonging that cultivates a passion to live life through the lense of Him who created you!  May God bless this ministry and provide everyone with an opportunity to take their own "Journey to the Potter's House".

Susanna Carpenter, Assistant Director of Leadership Development
Lancaster Bible College
Lancaster, PA

Message of Healing

It was a great joy to have Michael Ferris minister this life changing biblical illustration. He carries the Heart of God and clearly communicates the message of the Gospel that will minister a message of healing and challenges believers to become the vessels of honor that God has created each person to be.
Brian D. Corkum, Senior Pastor
First Assembly of God
Salem, NJ

Moving Illustration

A Journey to the Potter's House provides a moving illustration of the grace of God available to everyone through His Son, Jesus Christ.  I would gladly recommend A Journey to the Potter's House to any church looking for a unique way in which to present the gospel to non-believers while building up the faith of those who already know Christ as Savior.
Rev. Matthew Olson, Senior Pastor
Seventh Day Baptist Church
Berlin, NY

Personal & Touching

Today, just like Jeremiah, Grace Baptist Church was taken on "A Journey to the Potter's House".  There we saw God's love for us expressed through the hands and heart of the potter.  Michael gave us the opportunity to see life through his eyes, the eyes of an earthly potter, into the hands and heart of our heavenly father.  Through the potter we are made aware of the purposeful way in which God intentionally uses life's circumstances to mold us, form us, break us and restore us.  "A Journey to the Potter's House" is intensely personal, touching on identifying life's hurts and the need for restoration common to us all.  Be prepared when taking "A Journey to the Potter's House" to be forever changed.

Stuart Sherman, Chairman
Grace Baptist Church
Bristol, CT

Beautiful Movement

"A Journey to the Potter's House" is a beautiful movement that deconstructs the complexities of life and ushers you right into the simple, and yet profound, love of God.  In this day and age of myriad of events and presentations, Michael brings the focus off of the presentation and places it right on the deliberate, loving, and purposeful hand of God.  Everyone in our meeting left the room at the end of the nght, but somehow everyone was still and centered on the Potter's wheel.  To be centered and still, yet moving forward in freedom, this is everything.  "A Journey to the Potter's House" powerfully displays this beautiful truth.

Curt Leininger
Cornerstone Christian Church
Wyckoff, NJ

Laughed & Cried

"A Journey to the Potter's House" was one of the most powerful opportunities for inner healing that we have experienced as a church.  We laughed and cried as we traveled along through the powerful illustrations.  Michael joined us on one of the coldest nights of the year.  With attendance lower than normal due to the weather, He still faithfully presented the illustrated sermon with the power that I know was equivalent to if the house was full.  I so appreciated this.  I strongly recommend him, and believe you will not be dissappointed.  Not only will your time be blessed, it will save you hours of counseling time as God moves on the hearts and minds to bring healing to those in attendance.

James A. Williams, Senior Pastor
Yonkers Christian Assembly
Yonkers, NY

Passionate & Positive

We recently had the honor to invite Dr. Ferris to our multi-church youth conference.  Dr. Ferris brought "A Journey to the Potter's House" with brilliance.  This compelling experience had children as young as 6th grade all the way to our senior pastors dropping their jaws and 'whoa'-ing from start to finish.  Dr. Ferris delivered the Lord's message with such a passionate and positive Kingdom-building spirit.  We have all heard how we are the clay and God is the potter, but the way Dr. Ferris upheld the Scripture entirely throughout while sculpting the pots truly cut straight to the hearts of people.  Through "A Journey to the Potter's House," identities were found in God and souls were restored and assured in the Father.  It was a remarkable blessing for us.  This expressive ministry is sure to stir a response from everyone's heart.

Joseph Kim, Youth Pastor
Promise Church
Leonia, NJ

Touching & Exciting

Thank you so very much for bringing the ministry of "A Journey to the Potter's House" and blessing our souls this last Sunday.  The presentation was very touching and exciting.  Everyone wants to know when you will be in this area again.  Please keep up the good work for the Lord.  You really don't know how many lives you have touched and made a difference in. 

Johnny Gamble, Senior Pastor
Friendship Baptist Church
Stratford, CT

Emotional Wholeness

Joni and Friends recently hosted "A Journey to the Potter's House" at our Family Retreat.  The message ministered deeply to the hearts of several of our guests with disabilities.  They not only heard the message that God could use their pain and brokenness for His good purposes; they also saw this truth illustrated as Michael brought the clay through the various stages of formation.  God used the message of "A Journey to the Potter's House" to move individuals toward greater emotional wholeness and a new freedom, as people were able to forgive others for the pain of the past.

Linda Smith, Program Manager
Joni and Friends International Disability Center

A Tremendous Blessing

"A Journey to the Potter's House" was a tremendous blessing to our church!  The message combined with the potter's wheel visual was powerful and moving.  For at least 45 minutes following the conclusion of our service, a line of people clearly impacted by the message spontaneously formed, requesting individual prayer for underlying spiritual needs that were brought to light by the Spirit of God through this anointed ministey.  I highly recommend "A Journey to the Potter's House" to every Pastor.

Rev. Dr. Lucian J. Gandolfo, Sr. Pastor
Trinity Tabernacle of Gravesend
Brooklyn, NY

Imprint on My Soul

"A Journey to the Potter's House" speaks powerfully in so many different ways, and on so many different levels.  Its lessons are far reaching and engaging, and most importantly, the gospel is portrayed with incredibly vivid truth.  I came away feeling as if God left an imprint on my soul.

Joseph Lee, Reach Fellowship
Bergen Christian Testimony Church
Wyckoff, NJ

Amazing Presentation

The ministry of "A Journey to the Potter's House" was described by many in my congregation as the best presentation of the Gospel they have ever heard or seen.  I believe we all left with a greater understanding of our relationship with Creator God who has a plan to give us a hope and a future.

Jonathan Papa, Lead Pastor
Life Source Church, Caldwell, NJ

Life Changing

I was blown away by Dr. Ferris' vivid presentation of God's work in our lives through the message of "A Journey to the Potter's House."  There have only been a few visual presentations that have changed my life and this was one of them.  Dr. Ferris uses scripture, personal stories, and address the real life pains that all of us can relate to in order to bring about the healing we all need.  He is articulate, personable and very humble.  I would recommend everyone to experience "A Journey to the Potter's House."  I know you will never be the same.

Bejoy Samuel, Senior Pastor
Bethel Gospel Center
Mt. Vernon, NY


Both the production and the presenter are amazing!  God used Dr. Michael Ferris to bring "A Journey to the Potter's House" in a way that astonished the congregation and this pastor.  The powerful biblical insights and the amount of salvations and reconciliations after the presentation revealed the anointing of the Holy Spirit on this minister and his ministry.  It's not only an unbelievable production but a Spirit-filled, Spirit-led production.  As one raised in the church for 52 years, I have never witnessed such an incredible presentation of the Gospel and the reality of Jeremiah 18.  I highly recommend Dr. Michael Ferris and "A Journey to the Potter's House".  You and your congregation will laugh, will weep, but most of all you will be blessed.

Octavio Rivera Jr., Senior Pastor
River of Life Assembly of God
Belleville, NJ

Numerous Life lessons

"A Journey to the Potter's House" has provided numerous life lessons to members of the Cornerstone Christian Fellowship; a co-curricular club of John P. Stevens High School.  All the visuals were backed with Bible verses and brought students to reflect on their own lives and their personal relationship with God.  Pastor Michael challenges his audience to dig down deep to the truths of broken relationships and provides solutions that can heal.  My students and I have been truly blessed by Pastor Michael and I strongly recommend this life-changing experience to all.

Florene Quan, Teacher / Faculty Advisor
Cornerstone Christian Fellowship of John P. Stevens High School
Edison, NJ

Challenged & Encouraged

I have viewed Michael's presentation of "A Journey to the Potter's House" a couple of times and both times I have been impressed, challenged and encouraged.  It is difficult to describe the power and impact of the message - you must see it for yourself.  In addition, I got the chance to spend a day with Michael.  He is the real deal.  He is not someone who only shines when the spotlight is on him.  Our discussions around meals were times of blessed fellowship and discipleship.  I would encourage pastors to go to his presentation, encourage your congregation to go to his presentation, and schedule a meeting with Michael - you will be blessed.

George Sweet, Senior Pastor
The Baptist Fellowship
Randolph, VT

Truths of God's Word

We were blessed to have Michael Ferris share "A Journey to the Potter's House" with us at Blairstown E-Free.  The presentation was powerful in communicating the truths of God's Word through the visual message of the Potter's house.  Michael engages the audience well.  Our congregation, representing all ages, was drawn into the presentation as Michael wove together the themes of forgiveness and brokenness.  Michael speaks from his heart, sharing his life experiences.  Many responded to the invitation that was given at the end.  This presentation was used by God to dramatically change the lives of many in our church family.  I would highly commend Michael and "A Journey to the Potter's House" to you.

Jack Kroeze, Senior Pastor
Blairstown Evangelical Free Church
Blairstown, NJ

Scriptures Come to Life

WOW!  What an experience to see the Scriptures come to life.  It has been weeks since "A Journey to the Potter's House" was at our church and my congregation is still speaking about that service.  Not one person will read Jeremiah and the message of the potter and not remember this presentation.  Michael's message was so captivating that it appealed to both young and old.  There was not a dry eye in the church that day.  Living in the 21st century we miss the subtle meanings of the Bible illustrations and parables which Jesus spoke.  Our prayer is that this message will be delivered to believers and non-believers around the world.  "A Journey to the Potter's House" brings you right into the heart of God.

Grace Alfieri, Senior Pastor
Christian Apostolic Church
Belleville, New Jersey


"A Journey to the Potter's House" was the featured event for our Women's Ministry's annual tea and from the moment it began, every lady present was captivated.  The gift the Lord has truly blessed Michael with is very evident as he uses the illustration to portray the wonderful works of our Master potter working in each of our lives.

The presentation of "A Journey to the Potter's House" is much more than a spirit-filled inspired message; it is a "gift" - given to every person to remind them that we are turly made in the image of our heavenly maker.  Dr. Ferris presents the word of God in such a clear way that it will leave you in deep reflection on the jounrey the Lord has for your life!  "Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand."  Jeremiah 18:6

Joanne Schwarz, Women's Ministry Director
Central Assembly of God
Wauregan, CT

Highly Recommended

"A Journey to the Potter's House" came to Bethel Seminary East this week and did an outstanding job of bringing this wonderful Biblical metaphor of the divine Potter and His human clay pots (us) to life in a variety of ways.  At Bethel Seminary we emphasize Spiritual and Leadership Formation and Mike really made this concrete and real for all of us.  I highly recommend "A Journey to the Potter's House".

Noel Sherry, Director
Bethel Seminary East

Moving & Incredible

The Colonial Church of Bayside, NY wholeheartedly endorses the ministry of "A Journey to the Potter's House".  It is a sermon/demonstration that needs to be seen and experienced by everyone - Christians and non-Christians alike.  Some of the words my congregation used to describe their experience are: "extraordinary!", "Wonderful", "excellent", "Spirit-led", "moving", "Awesome!", "incredible", "very powerful", "fantastic", "very valuable".

Jack Donahue, Senior Pastor
Colonial Church of Bayside

Touched in a Powerful Way

It was our pleasure to host "A Journey to the Potter's House" for a second time!  We scheduled our journey for Saturday evening which allowed us to invite friends and family to a service that did not feel like coming to church.  Most of the folks that came werenot Christians.  Everyone was touched in a powerful way.  One woman told me afterwards that this was the first time she really understood the process of forgiveness and for the first time she felt really free!

Since Dr. Ferris was spending the evening, we had him bring the Sunday morning message (without the demonstration) and once again, people received the Word and were challenged to cooperate with God as He changes our hearts.  Michael has a wonderful ability to share scholarly truth in a down to earth, practical way.  We highly recommend his ministry.  It is effective in both edifying believers and reaching the lost.

The Pastors of the Farmingdale Christian Church
Farmingdale, NY

Relevance to Our Lives

To Pastors and ministry leaders: It is my honor to recommend "A Journey to the Potter's House" without reservations!  It has been over a month since Mike came to visit and people are still talking about it.  What I appreciate about the presentation is Mike's commitment to the gospel and the relevance it has to our lives.  From a pastors perspective Mike was great to work with and his love for Christ shines.  You and your church will be blessed if you choose to have him.

Bob Petriel, Senior Pastor
Grace Fellowship Church
North Stonington, CT

Positive Blessing

Thank you for bringing the ministry of "A Journey to the Potter's House" to Christ Church.  People were so blessed by your teaching that it has been affecting them in such a positive way for the Kingdom of God.  Your ministry corrects, instructs, encourages and has brought great joy to our congregation as people are getting revelation of the process of how God works out all things in our lives for His intended purpose.  I highly recommend this important ministry to the body of Christ to bring understanding and wisdom to His people.  Thank you again for blessing our church body.

Ray Kiernan, Senior Pastor
Christ Church
Wolcott, CT

Moved & Challenged

We had Michael Ferris present "A Journey to the Potter's House" to all our small group leaders on a Sunday evening.  The night was so powerful and affected the church leaders so much that we invited him back to speak to the whole church on a Sunday morning.  Michael starts by talking about clay, about pottery and about making vessels.  But before long we see that he is talking about us and God's work in our lives.  As he works at the wheel he talks simultaneously about pottery making and about God.  We see ourselves being formed by God into a vessel of honor.  The transition is so subtle and so complete that the congregation actually gasps when something goes wrong with a pot forcing the potter to start the formation process over.  Our church was moved, challenged and brought into the presence of God.

Dr. Fred F. Provencer, Sr. Pastor
Cornerstone Christian Church
Wyckoff, NJ

New & Dynamic Way

Our congregation greatly appreciated our "Journey to the Potter's House" and how God used it to speak to both the lost and found people among us.  The presentation speaks to the love that God, the Heavenly Potter, has for us.  I think people were able to see that love in a new and dynamic way.  The presentation also reminds us of the personal ways God shapes our life and our character.  The presentation both encouraged and challenged us.  I highly recommend this ministry.

Tim Barnes, Senior Pastor
Living Word Church, Hewitt, NJ

Powerful Presentation

"A Journey to the Potter's House" was a powerful presentation that brought a well known passage of Scripture alive to our church.  God has uniquely gifted Michael with compassion and insight to share this message.  Now I understand why God gave Jeremiah a similar illustrated message instead of just telling him the message.  We had a great closing response to the message, with many salvations and people at the altar.

Ken Jasko, Senior Pastor
Monmouth Worship Center
Marlboro, NJ